Midwest Magic launches Midwest Magic Mushroom Gummies, new THC-infused gummies adding benefits of adaptogenic mushrooms

Midwest Magic launches Midwest Magic Mushroom Gummies, new THC-infused gummies adding benefits of adaptogenic mushrooms


Midwest Magic is taking its magical journey into Missouri marijuana to the next level – infusing its new marijuana-infused gummies with adaptogenic mushrooms.

Adaptogenic mushrooms are not the same as “magic mushrooms,” but that doesn’t make them any less magical on their own. 

While mushrooms are often associated with culinary or recreational use, certain mushroom species have gained recognition for their potential as nootropics. These mushrooms, known as medicinal mushrooms or adaptogenic mushrooms, contain bioactive compounds that may offer cognitive benefits. Some notable examples include Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus), Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) and Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis).

The first four gummy types to be released by Midwest Magic will be chaga/CBD mango gummies, cordyceps/THCv watermelon gummies, lion’s mane/CBG raspberry gummies, and reishi/CBN elderberry gummies – all combined with THC. The gummies are expected to hit dispensary shelves in August.

“The whole country is at this point now of rewriting our ethnobotany,” said Jack Maritz, lab manager at Delta Extraction. “Support for legalized cannabis has never been stronger, and functional mushrooms are becoming more and more popular. We’ve used plants as medicine since we’ve been human, and in the last couple hundred years, we’ve synthesized pharmaceuticals and gotten away from plant medicine. I think people are ready to rewrite how we interact with plants as medicine and naturally the cannabis community is at the forefront. Our community is lucky to be comprised of thoughtful and open-minded people who are likely to be the ones to first recognize the potential of these medicines found in nature, and the whole kingdom of fungus has so much to offer.”

It’s worth mentioning that while mushrooms like Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, and Cordyceps show promising results in preliminary studies and anecdotal evidence, further research is needed to fully understand their mechanisms and establish their efficacy and safety as nootropics. As always, consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended before incorporating any new supplements into your routine.

Midwest Magic, founded by brothers Ted Maritz and Jack Maritz, is produced by Delta Extraction in Robertsville, Missouri. Midwest Magic offers a full line of THC products, from liquid diamonds and sauce carts, live resin gummies and drinks, mixers, and concentrates.

“Midwest Magic is a brand created to highlight the magical parts of cannabis and the wonder it instills in people,” said Jack Maritz. “We started selling CBG under our brand before ever getting a manufacturing license, we are obsessed with terpenes and write them on the label of every product we produce. We strive to comprehend and explore our experiences with these plant medicines, and mushrooms are just too much fun to ignore. Even functional mushrooms like this make life better, and we’re really all about feeling good.”

The combination of adaptogenic mushrooms and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) can potentially interact in various ways, as both substances have distinct effects on the body. 

It’s important to note that research specifically examining the combined effects of adaptogenic mushrooms and THC is limited, and the following information is based on general knowledge of the individual properties.

  1. Synergistic effects: Adaptogenic mushrooms, such as Reishi or Lion’s Mane, are known for their potential to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support overall well-being. THC, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, can also have relaxing and mood-altering effects. When used together, some individuals may experience a synergistic effect where the relaxation and stress-reducing properties of both substances are enhanced.
  2. Enhanced cognitive function: Certain adaptogenic mushrooms, like Lion’s Mane, are associated with potential cognitive benefits, such as improved focus, memory, and mental clarity. On the other hand, THC has been found to impair short-term memory and cognitive function, especially at higher doses. It’s important to be mindful of these potential contrasting effects when combining adaptogenic mushrooms and THC.
  3. Individual sensitivity: The effects of THC can vary significantly depending on an individual’s tolerance, the specific strain of cannabis used, and the dose consumed. Likewise, adaptogenic mushrooms may affect individuals differently. Some people may find that the combination of THC and adaptogenic mushrooms enhances their overall well-being, while others may experience adverse effects or heightened sensitivity to THC.
  4. Personalized experience: The effects of combining adaptogenic mushrooms and THC can be subjective and depend on personal preferences and individual biochemistry. Some individuals may appreciate the combination for its potential relaxation, creativity, or mood-enhancing effects. Others may prefer using these substances separately to better control their desired outcomes.

It’s important to approach the combination of adaptogenic mushrooms and THC with caution. As with any substance, it’s advisable to start with low doses and be mindful of your body’s response. Additionally, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before combining substances, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

“I’ve certainly benefited the most from lions mane,” Jack Maritz said. “It’s a true nootropic, and nothing has helped my mind perform better than lions mane extract, I’ve been taking it for about 2 years and I am truly in a different place cognitively than where I would be without it. 

“Cordyceps though, has the biggest punch, the most immediate feeling. The first gummy I ate with cordyceps in it had me doing dishes and organizing my house with a smile on my face until deep into the night. I prefer it over coffee, Macha, Yerba, or anything else that is toted to give you energy.”


Lion’s Mane is particularly known for its potential nootropic effects. It contains compounds called hericenones and erinacines, which have been studied for their ability to stimulate the production of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain. NGF plays a crucial role in the growth, maintenance, and regeneration of neurons. By promoting NGF production, Lion’s Mane may support neuroplasticity, memory, and overall cognitive function.

Reishi, also known as the “mushroom of immortality,” is an adaptogenic mushroom with a long history of use in traditional medicine. It contains bioactive compounds such as triterpenes, polysaccharides, and antioxidants, which contribute to its potential cognitive and neuroprotective effects. Reishi is believed to have calming properties and may help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote better sleep, indirectly benefiting cognitive function.

Cordyceps is a unique mushroom that grows on the larvae of insects. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to enhance vitality and endurance. Cordyceps contains bioactive compounds like cordycepin and adenosine, which have been linked to increased energy production and oxygen utilization in cells. As a result, Cordyceps may help improve mental and physical performance, increase focus, and combat fatigue.

The mechanisms through which these medicinal mushrooms exert their potential nootropic effects are still being investigated. However, they are generally believed to modulate neurotransmitters, support neuroplasticity, reduce inflammation, and provide antioxidant protection to the brain.

Chaga mushrooms are a type of medicinal mushroom known for their potential health benefits and have been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Here is more about chaga, which is in the sleep-oriented gummy of the mushroom line:

  1. Immune system support: Chaga mushrooms are rich in antioxidants, such as phenols and flavonoids, which help protect the body against oxidative stress and boost the immune system. They may help strengthen the immune response, enhance the body’s natural defense mechanisms, and promote overall immune system health.
  2. Anti-inflammatory properties: Chaga mushrooms contain bioactive compounds like betulinic acid and polysaccharides, which have demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects. These compounds may help reduce inflammation in the body, potentially providing relief from chronic inflammation-related conditions such as arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease.
  3. Antioxidant activity: The high antioxidant content in chaga mushrooms contributes to their potential protective effects against oxidative damage. Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals and may support cellular health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and slow down the aging process.
  4. Adaptogenic properties: Chaga mushrooms are classified as adaptogens, meaning they help the body adapt and respond better to stressors. They may support the body’s stress response system, potentially reducing stress levels and improving resilience to physical and mental stress.
  5. Potential anti-cancer effects: Some studies have suggested that chaga mushrooms possess anti-cancer properties. Certain compounds found in chaga mushrooms, such as betulinic acid and polysaccharides, have demonstrated inhibitory effects on cancer cell growth in laboratory studies. However, more research is needed to understand the full potential and mechanisms of these effects in humans.


Adaptogens are natural substances, often in the form of herbs or mushrooms, that help the body adapt and respond better to physical and mental stressors. They work by modulating the body’s stress response system, primarily the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which controls the production and balance of stress hormones like cortisol.

The impacts of adaptogens can be summarized as follows:

  1. Stress reduction: Adaptogens help regulate the body’s stress response, leading to a reduction in stress levels. They promote a state of balance and resilience, allowing the body to cope with stress more effectively.
  2. Energy and vitality: Adaptogens are known for their ability to enhance energy levels and combat fatigue. They help support physical and mental stamina, promoting a sense of vitality and well-being.
  3. Cognitive function: Some adaptogens have been associated with improved cognitive performance. They may enhance focus, mental clarity, and memory, enabling individuals to perform better mentally.
  4. Immune system support: Adaptogens possess immune-modulating properties, helping to strengthen and balance the immune system. This can contribute to overall health and resilience, reducing the risk of illness.
  5. Mood regulation: Adaptogens have been found to have mood-stabilizing effects. They may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and promote a more balanced emotional state.
  6. Hormonal balance: Certain adaptogens have been shown to regulate hormones, particularly in relation to the HPA axis. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, or HPA axis, is a term used to represent the interaction between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands – it plays an important role in the body’s response to stress. The pathway of the axis results in the production of cortisol They can help restore hormonal balance, benefiting conditions such as adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalances.
  7. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects: Many adaptogens possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They help protect the body’s cells from oxidative damage and reduce inflammation, which can have a positive impact on overall health and well-being.

It’s important to note that the specific impacts of adaptogens can vary depending on the individual and the adaptogenic substance used. Furthermore, while adaptogens have a long history of traditional use and some scientific evidence supports their benefits, more research is needed to fully understand their mechanisms of action and establish their efficacy in different contexts. Consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable before incorporating adaptogens into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Midwest Magic will debut the new gummies with at the Midwest Magic Mushroom Gummy official launch party at Joint Gallery in Kansas City on July 22.

Before Trombone Shorty takes the stage at Grinders on July 22,  Joint Gallery in KCMO’s Crossroads area will host the official launch party, celebrating the release of Midwest Magic Mushroom Gummies. Sample products and discover the exceptional flavors while DJ Scotty Wu spins. The best part? Entry to the launch party is absolutely free with either a Grinders concert ticket or a purchase at Homestate. This is a 21+ event.

Learn more about Midwest Magic at midwestmagicofficial.com.