Women to Watch: Lindsay Lockhart

Women to Watch: Lindsay Lockhart


Hippos is making a splash in the Missouri MMJ program and recently celebrated the grand opening of their Chesterfield location. Much of the credit for the early success can be attributed to one of the busiest women in Missouri cannabis – Lindsay Lockhart, Director of Brand & Retail.

Lockhart’s entrée into cannabis was unexpected to say the least. “If you told me two years ago that I would be working in this industry, I would have laughed. Life is funny. You never know what your future holds for you if you remain open to learning and growing.” As a self-proclaimed start-up or early-stage company junkie, Lockhart has a passion for brand building, process automation, and operations. We had to chuckle when she said, “I nerd out about analytics and I am totally passionate about design. I have almost always worked in highly competitive, regulated industries (alcohol and banking), so the quick pace and regulatory burden is familiar to me. So, when this opportunity presented itself, I jumped in headfirst. It’s a joy to find a role that so nicely encapsulates all my professional strengths and experiences.”

But for Lockhart, she said she’s seen first-hand the profound impact chronic and life-ending illness and disease has on both patients and families and for her, this kind of impact is personal. So much so, that she spent 10 years as a Friends of Wings Board member, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting BJC’s incredible pediatric hospice program. About her philanthropy, she said, “As a mother and a human, I cannot deny the research and legal relief medical marijuana products offer the body and the mind. It can be life-changing.”

As a female in the cannabis industry, specifically in Missouri, Lockhart said, “Personally, I don’t view cannabis as a male-dominated industry, but we certainly have room for more women at the top. Women represent the largest and fastest-growing demographic of cannabis consumers. It’s not only smart business to know your audience but it’s even better to diversify your team. Different perspectives and experiences are integral to every team’s growth and success. Missouri’s cannabis market is only getting more and more competitive. To be different, you must think different and that includes inviting everyone to the table. I certainly have no desire to remain stagnant. Let’s go!”


Greenway readers have come to look forward to the Women to Watch series to see how various players answer the question about their favorite part of their role in cannabis. “The absolute favorite part of my role is debunking the cliché stoner stereotype through awareness and education. Honest conversations around cannabis consumption, legalization, government regulation, and wellness benefits are key factors in helping Missourians understand this often misrepresented and misunderstood plant and its consumers. Ask me. Yes, I am a Mom.”

Lockhart’s advice for what readers should know about what she thinks it takes to be successful in cannabis? “The legal cannabis industry in Missouri is changing every day. That’s the only constant. Rapid change and competition breed a wicked pace. Literally, nothing is easy. But if you have the drive and the passion, you will push through to achieve your goals. Just keep on moving forward, one step at a time, especially when you feel like giving up.”

While Hippos continues to expand and become operational at additional locations, one thing is for sure –

Lindsay Lockhart is definitely a woman on the move and a woman to watch.