Cannabis strains with high CBD content

Cannabis strains with high CBD content


Strains.  There are so many out there and while some patients have their favorites, others who might be new to medical cannabis are learning the ropes about THC and CBD content and terpene profiles.  We’re aware that CBD can help with the anxiety and paranoia that can sometimes ensue with high THC strains, and we wanted to share a list of some strains that contain high CBD content.  As Missouri’s dispensaries begin to open, knowing what you’re looking for in terms of the contents of the strains available will be a great tool for your shopping.

  1. ACDC
  2. Cannatonic
  3. Ringo’s Gift
  4. OG Kush
  5. Harlequin

While all of these are well known for their medicinal properties in terms of THC, all of the above also contain high levels of CBD and can feel like good starting points for new patients treating conditions like pain without worrying about the “freak out.”