Ones to Watch 2020: Ricky Starling
The inaugural Greenway Ones to Watch class were nominated by their peers as those will be some of the most responsible for setting the tone of Missouri’s newest industry. From activists to consultants to operators themselves, the following industry influencers are responsible for determining not only how the industry overcomes the obstacles of 2020, but how the industry will be better for it. The same questions were asked of all; submitted answers and related information edited for grammar and clarity.

NAME: Ricky Starling
COMPANY: Missouri Cannabis Network
BACKGROUND: Cultivation and Management
Why cannabis?
Cannabis is not just a plant it’s a way of life. For the past 13 years of my life it has helped me in so many ways, from severe social anxiety to curing back pain from a work related injury 7 years ago. It has shown me that there’s a wide variety of possibilities, not only for my life but for so many across the world with the use of Cannabis. From the first seed I planted till now, it’s created a therapeutic hands on experience. What started as a hobby has turned into a life long passion of uniting people with the beautiful plant.

What is your vision of the industry in Missouri?
Missouri will continue to have one of the most unique industries in the Country. Due to having so many rural communities, there’s such a diverse background of Cannabis consumers. Both young and old, Cannabis will prove to be something that will lower our midwest dependence on pharmaceuticals along with bringing our community closer to what we love, farming. There’s a passion brewing with every resident/patient to better not only their lives but those that surround us. My hope is that we’ll focus on creating organic products for patients along with creating a job market that will help employ residents from all across the state.
What opportunity/opportunities does the industry create in Missouri?
The Cannabis industry will prove to create financial opportunity and education all across Missouri. There’ll be an abundance of job opportunity and growth for so many small businesses across the state. Bringing a connection between small business and Cannabis will prove to be something special that will change the lives of so many Missourians. We’ll have the opportunity to change lives and create something that will save lives as well as bring a community closer.
What is one thing you wish all Missourians knew about cannabis?
Just like when I began cultivating, I was overwhelmed and worried that I wouldn’t be able to grow it like it should be grown. Cannabis is one of the most versatile plants that you can literally almost kill it and it will come back to life. Take a deep breath, tell yourself, I can do this.
It’s one of the most rewarding experiences to see a plant that you put love into, reward you with it’s medicine for you to use in so many ways. Cannabis loves you as much as you love it.