Can a faith-based family start a weed company?

And whatever you do… do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” Colossians 3:17

A year ago, we started our faith-based cannabis company. This has caused a few tilted heads in more ways than one. From our church families and those in the cannabis industry, we have seen both confusion and raised brows. Can a faith-based family start a weed company or a weed company be so vocal about their faith? During a time of political sides and strong beliefs pushed on others, we want to be a bridge to close that negative divide. Through our own education of the scientific research done about cannabis, we have come to believe that faith and cannabis can indeed co-exist.

Since the criminalization of marijuana started in the 1930s, people have sought to keep cannabis out of church and homes. We understand because we were once there too. Growing up in our conservative church families, we believed these two things to be opposites in the spectrum of our morality. With strong beliefs, often come strong emotions and these were all challenged after witnessing the transformation of a few individuals close to us. When you see a plant that you thought would bring addiction, free someone from addiction, it tends to change your perspective on things. When you see someone you love to go from living with debilitating pain to thriving and working, you see the potential of healing and the possibility of change in your belief system.

… For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth…Colossians 1:15-20

We believe that God created all things, the cannabis plant included. The history of its use is long, interesting, and, often controversial. The use of the marijuana plant for healing purposes dates back to around 2737 B.C. and history of the industrial use of hemp as rope has been found on Chinese pottery from 10,000 B.C. Cannabis may have been one of the ingredients called “kaneh bosm” in the anointing oil recipe, recorded by Moses in the book of Exodus.

There are several verses from the bible that help us to believe that we can use this proven medicinal plant and its incredibly beneficial properties within the right context.

From the beginning in Genesis 1:29-30,God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant… They will be yours for food…Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!”’

Jesus said in Matthew 15:11, “Listen and understand. What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean.

We feel very passionately about the numerous health benefits from both hemp and marijuana; based on study research. This plant can be used as a tool to find freedom from pain, addiction, troubling thoughts in our minds, and so much more. Others have argued that even though there may be benefits, it can also be abused, harmful, and could lead to harsher substances. While studies have shown that cannabis is not a gateway drug, as many beneficial things, it has the potential to be abused. Your phone, food, and prescription drugs are other things that can develop into addictions, but we believe education before consumption will lead to reduced chances of addiction. Like all the individuals using prescription drugs, we need to educate patients of the medical marijuana program to treat this with moderation in relation to their needs. We need to work together with those struggling with addiction to ANY substance so that we can help them become free from that hold. Through education and research, we can work towards freedom with moderation.


We know, from the studies that are available, that medical marijuana is beneficial for a wide range of reasons. From a study done on “Endocannabinoids” in 2010, scientists found that the endocannabinoid system helps to regulate blood sugar, immune and metabolic response, hormones, and pain and reward centers, to name a few. A study done on “Cannabinoid receptors” in 1990 proved that it’s virtually impossible to overdose on cannabis due to the lack of receptors in the brainstem, where your respiratory and cardiac centers are located. We strongly feel that it is part of our purpose and calling to help those in need of botanical therapy to receive those benefits.

“.. let us not love in word or talk but indeed and in truth.” 1 John 3:17

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” Matt 9:12, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31

Jesus’ message is simple: love God, love others. We do not pretend to be anything other than individuals seeking the truth. Therefore, we advocate and support continued research into cannabis and other botanical medicinal which we view as provisions for our use. There is research out there, from reputable sources. As the current, restrictive laws relax, more research will emerge which will help to alleviate some of the concerns people have about cannabis. We hope that as new information becomes available everyone will work to keep an open mind about the potential for others and continue to educate themselves. Opening your mind to new ideas can sometimes be challenging but changing does not have to mean ‘relaxing my morals.’ The truth is that we are learning, and change can be the best thing for us! We must recognize that we may not fully understand to what extent this plant has healing potential and that is okay. Our understanding will continue to change as new information becomes available. We will continue to seek the truth.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

We aim to create a quality, ethical, faith-based company that produces excellent quality products, while gaining a reputation as an outstanding employer that consistently puts the needs of everyone involved above their own and the usual primary objective of monetary gain.


Ozark Mountain Green is run by Joan Hunt and Heath and Heather Andres. Ozark Mountain Green is a cultivation and manufacturing applicant located in Shell Knob, in Southwest Missouri.