Ones to Watch: Mike Jones
The inaugural Greenway Ones to Watch class were nominated by their peers as those will be some of the most responsible for setting the tone of Missouri’s newest industry. From activists to consultants to operators themselves, the following industry influencers are responsible for determining not only how the industry overcomes the obstacles of 2020, but how the industry will be better for it. The same questions were asked of all; submitted answers and related information edited for grammar and clarity.
NAME: Michael A. Jones
COMPANY: Green Hill Labs, LLC
TITLE: President, CEO
BACKGROUND: Clinical Reference Laboratory Owner, Football Coach, NFL Football Career with St. Louis Rams, Oakland Raiders, Pittsburg Steelers
Why cannabis?
Following my career with the National Football League, I decided to utilize the skills and habits learned and acquired from my 12 years working with teammates and making teams successful. Setting goals and achieving them are a cornerstone of football teams – the same attributes that make businesses successful. As an entrepreneur in the health care industry, my focus is to assist patients with their healthcare care needs. My partner, Dr. George Schoedinger and I felt it was a natural transition to testing medical marijuana from our laboratory ownership background. It is important to George and I, that Missouri build an industry that is safe and protected. As I developed my forte in the laboratory industry, I knew that I wanted to eventually make the move to the cannabis industry, making sure cannabis is safe for consumption and distribution.
What is your vision of the industry in Missouri?
I believe Missouri will emerge as the leader in the nation for production and safety. Missouri’s program is being led by a team of true professionals. Comparatively speaking, the role out of the program in other states that preceded Missouri, have not been as successful or expedient. I am confident that Missouri learned from the mistakes of the states that preceded it. While no new market endeavor is perfect, I believe Missouri is on the right track. I see the industry in the Show-Me State having explosive growth, trending ahead of original projections, and providing an excellent product with professional dispensaries – all culminating in helping patients have a great experience. I look forward to seeing how our state will transform around this exciting industry.
What opportunity/opportunities does the industry create in Missouri?
I believe the employment and career opportunities are endless in the cannabis industry for Missouri. Great jobs, with great pay and benefits, are key to the building many of the opportunity zones where our Missouri Medical Marijuana facilities are located. The growth of medical marijuana also converts into additional business income and opportunities for ancillary companies including laboratory and agriculture equipment companies, packaging suppliers, accountants, law firms and consultants. The reach of this industry is endless. The end user – the patient, cannot be overlooked in the discussion of opportunities created – they benefit immensely. The research is overwhelming and now widely accepted that the health benefits creates opportunities for patients to live a better life, with less pain, anxiety, and many other health benefits.
What is one thing you wish all Missourians knew about cannabis?
The one thing I wish Missourians knew about cannabis is that according to the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC), cannabis has shown the ability to stabilize blood sugars, lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation- all things diabetic patients need. As an African-American male, I know all too well, what the diabetes epidemic can do. Two of my good friends have had to deal with amputation due to diabetic neuropathy, with one losing his life. In an article written in the Missouri Diabetes Report, it is estimated that nearly 492,000 adult Missourians had doctor-diagnosed diabetes in 2017. Based on 2013 – 2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, it is estimated that 4.3% of people have undiagnosed diabetes. Assuming the same prevalence in Missouri, over 200,000 adults were estimated to have undiagnosed diabetes in 2017. If cannabis has the ability to help lower blood sugar, our Missouri residents, that have diabetes could benefit greatly.