Missouri Cannabis Trade Association aims to assist applicants in understanding microbusinesses

Missouri Cannabis Trade Association aims to assist applicants in understanding microbusinesses


One of the most popular discussion topics in Missouri cannabis currently is the pending launch of microbusiness licenses. Designed to enable opportunity and promote social equity to those who are economically disadvantaged and disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs, the microbusiness licenses effectively create a secondary legal market for cannabis consumers in Missouri. New licensees will not need to battle established brands for shelf space, as cultivated and manufactured products from microbusinesses can only be sold at retail by microbusiness dispensaries.

For applicants, the microbusiness licenses mean opportunity, and more an opportunity to grow and scale organically without the immediate pressure to compete with some of the state’s biggest operators.

Greenway recently spoke to Missouri Cannabis Trade Association Executive Director, Andrew Mullins, and Associate Executive Director, Melissa Khan, about how the state’s leading cannabis trade association plans to engage potential licensees and how these new licensees may benefit from the established organization.

Q: How is MoCann reaching out to potential microbusinesses?

A: There’s clearly a lot of excitement about the new program. MoCannTrade is teaming up with several cannabis organizations, including Missouri NORML and We Are Jaine and sponsors to host The Missouri Cannabis Microbusiness Info Tour.  The tour consists of 4 free educational events detailing how to apply for a Missouri microbusiness facility license. This is a free to register informational tour around Missouri that will feature presentations and an expert panel discussion to share important micro applicant info on eligibility requirements, the application process, timeline and lottery award process along with best practices and recommendations for success from industry experts.



  • Day – Wednesday, June 28, Time 6-8 pm
  • Place – Schweitzer Brentwood Branch Library, 2214 Brentwood Blvd., Springfield, MO 65804

Kansas City 

  • Day – Thursday, June 29, Time:  6-8 pm
  • Place – Truman Forum Auditorium, Kansas City Public Library, Plaza Branch: Lower Level, 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64112 


  • Day – Wednesday, July 5,  Time:  6-8 pm
  • Place – Columbia Parks and Rec / ARC Meeting Room 1701 W Ash St, Columbia, MO 65203 

St. Louis

  • Day – Thursday, July 6, Time:  6-8 pm
  • Place – Robert G. Reim Theater, 111 S Geyer Rd, Kirkwood, MO 63122

Q: What is MoCann Trade aiming to do for microbusiness licensees and applicants?


A: We view this very much like the work MoCannTrade did in 2018 and 2019 to prepare Missourians for Missouri’s new medical cannabis program. We see these new microbusinesses as another important facet of our state’s growing, safe and successful cannabis industry. Providing Missourians who might be interested in this opportunity with education and information is really our goal. We are fully embracing of these new small businesses and want to provide the same support and representation for their needs and concerns.  To that end, MoCannTrade has created a Microbusiness Info Page and Membership opportunity to help prepare and connect micro applicants to industry stakeholders and service providers. For more information about Microbusiness opportunities or to download the Microbusiness Explainer, please click here.

Q: How does MoCann Trade membership benefit a microbusiness recipient?

A:  Since the day medical cannabis passed in 2018, MoCannTrade has been the organization leading the charge to implement a world-class program and defend the will of the people against legislative attacks. Our 100% success in defending both the medical and adult use program has led to one of the best cannabis programs in the entire nation. Microbusiness license recipients will benefit greatly from this representation, as well as access to information about everything from business contacts and resources to supply chain and service provider resources along with access to MoCann’s member events like the Q2 meetup in KC. 

Here are other benefits of a MoCannTrade Microbusiness Membership: 

  • Industry lobbying: In the last four legislative sessions, 100% success defending the Amendment 2 / Article XIV program from detrimental legislation.
  • Eligibility to nominate / participate in board of directors, advisory boards and industry committees
  • Bi-Weekly industry, policy, regulatory and program informational updates via MoCannTrade newsletter
  • Unified representation for all industry, program, state legislative or relevant government matters
  • Business listing and access to our member directory, the Yellow Pages of Missouri cannabis
  • Passive participation in MoCannTrade stakeholder meetings/calls
  • Team attendance at all virtual or in-person Member Meetups (limit 4 per in person event)
  • Access to member’s only industry, education and online resource library
  • Access to MoCannTrade member logo assets
  • Free job postings on our industry job board
  • Free “Industry Insider” digital subscription to Greenway Magazine
  • Direct referral and social media spotlight of licensed business to industry
  • Company/product logo and web link on website and eblasts footer
  • Discounted tickets and exhibit presence for MoCannTrade conference, industry or lobbying events

Q: What information will be discussed at the upcoming MoCann Trade meeting?

A:  One of the two panel discussions we are hosting at our June 6 Meet-Up in Kansas City will deal directly with applying for a microbusiness license. This panel discussion will allow us to share important micro-applicant info on eligibility requirements, the application process, timeline, and the lottery award process along with best practices and recommendations for success from industry experts.

Q: How are current MoCann members working with or hoping to benefit or help microbusiness applicants?

A:  One common refrain we hear from our members is they wish they knew then what they know now when they first got into this industry. MoCannTrade members are excited to pass along what they’ve learned over these past 5 years to those just getting started. We are one industry and by working together we’ll continue to push this program and successful Missouri industry forward.

We are excited to bring people together to work collaboratively with those that in many industries would be considered competitors because we know that a rising tide lifts all boats. That’s been a hallmark of this trade association since day one and a clear reason we have a program and industry that are the envy of the country.

For more information about MoCann Trade or to inquire about potential micro membership, contact Associate Director – Melissa Khan at associate.director@mocanntrade.org.