Pharma Girl Cannabis World celebrates milestone: 120+ dispensaries and counting

Pharma Girl Cannabis World celebrates milestone: 120+ dispensaries and counting


Pharma Girl Cannabis World, a trailblazing company in the cannabis industry, proudly announces its expansion into 100 dispensaries across [State], marking a significant milestone in its mission to redefine cannabis use in wellness and relationships. Founded by Jill, a former Johnson & Johnson oncology division veteran, the company has been at the forefront of changing perceptions about cannabis, particularly among women.

Jill’s journey from a corporate pharmaceutical background to the cannabis industry is a story of courage, innovation, and dedication. After 25 years in the pharmaceutical industry, Jill embarked on a new path, driven by a personal passion for wellness and a belief in the potential of cannabis. Her flagship product, high LOVR, a THC-infused intimacy oil, has been a game-changer, especially for women seeking holistic wellness solutions.

Despite the overwhelming support and positive stories from women, high LOVR is often pegged by men as merely a Valentine’s Day money-maker. This narrow view overlooks the deeper significance of the product as a tool for enhancing relationships and personal well-being. Jill’s achievement of reaching 125 + dispensaries is not just a business success; it’s a testament to the growing acceptance and need for thoughtful, women-focused cannabis products.

“Reaching 125 dispensaries is a dream come true, but it’s just the beginning,” says Jill. “Our goal is to challenge and change the mindset that limits cannabis products like high LOVR to occasions like Valentine’s Day. Cannabis has the potential to play a meaningful role in everyday wellness and relationships. It’s about time we recognize and embrace this.”

Pharma Girl Cannabis World’s success story is also a story of empowerment. It highlights the importance of women’s voices in the cannabis industry, an area traditionally dominated by men. Jill’s background in the pharmaceutical industry brings a unique perspective to the cannabis market, combining scientific knowledge with a deep understanding of consumer needs.


As Pharma Girl Cannabis World continues to grow, its focus remains on education, quality, and advocacy. The company is dedicated to breaking stereotypes and opening new avenues for cannabis use in everyday life. With a growing network of dispensaries and a strong community of supporters, Pharma Girl Cannabis World is poised to lead the charge in transforming how we view cannabis in relationships and wellness.

For more information about Pharma Girl Cannabis World and high LOVR, visit or

About Pharma Girl Cannabis World:

Founded by Jill, a former pharmaceutical professional with a passion for wellness, Pharma Girl Cannabis World is a company dedicated to redefining the role of cannabis in everyday life. With a focus on women’s wellness and relationships, the company’s flagship product, high LOVR, is a testament to the potential of cannabis to enhance quality of life.