Missouri senators begin pre-filing with four cannabis bills


December marks the beginning of the pre-filing period for Missouri’s Legislature. This year in the House, representatives have pre-filed seven bills focusing on marijuana in Missouri. Those filings range from tax credits for dispensary businesses owned by minorities, women, or service-disabled veterans to a proposal for a constitutional amendment that would legalize adult-use in Missouri.

In the Senate, four pieces of cannabis-focused legislation have already been pre-filed.

Sen. Denny Hoskins, R-Warrensburg, and Sen. Barbara Washington, D-Kansas City, have both reintroduced legislation they filed last year. While Sen. Bill White, R-Joplin, has filed a piece of legislation similar to that of his counterpart in the Missouri House of Representatives, Representative Lane Roberts, R-Joplin, HB 1736 . White’s filing SB 939  is listed as modifying provisions relating to background checks for medical marijuana facilities.


Sen. Hoskins has proposed SB 807 – a bill identical to his filing from last year, SB 436 (2021). The bill would authorize an income tax deduction for certain expenses related to operating a medical marijuana business. “According to our Constitution, Missouri recognizes medical marijuana as a legal and legitimate business,” Hoskins told Greenway in February, in reference to SB 436 (2021). “Deducting business expenses is routine practice for operating a successful, profitable business. However, medical marijuana businesses aren’t currently allowed these deductions, which in effect increases their taxes significantly.  SB 436 will bring fairness to all  Missouri businesses. Allowing medical marijuana licensees to utilize these deductions like all other Missouri businesses is the right thing to do for Missouri job creators.”

Senator Washington has proposed both SB 793, which would create provisions relating to expungement for certain marijuana offenses, as well as  SB 794 – a refiling identical to SB 357 (2021). SB 794 would modify provisions relating to medical marijuana program participants in family court matters. it would create a shelter for legal patients to use medical marijuana without fear or reprimand or consequence from the courts.

“If a family court participant requires treatment for a qualified medical condition in accordance with Article XIV of the Constitution of Missouri, a family court shall not prohibit such participant from participating in Missouri’s medical marijuana program. A family court participant shall not be required to refrain from using medical marijuana as a term or condition of successful completion of the family court program. A family court participant who is a qualified patient with a valid medical marijuana certification shall not be in violation of the terms or conditions of the family court on the basis of his or her participation in Missouri’s medical marijuana program. The status and conduct of a qualified patient who acts in accordance with Article XIV of the Constitution of Missouri shall not, by itself, be used to restrict or abridge custodial or parental rights to minor children in any action or proceeding under the jurisdiction of a family court under this chapter or a juvenile court under chapter 211.”