Crossfaded highs makes you feel low


Crossfaded highs make you feel at an all-time low.  If you haven’t experienced one, believe us when we say you don’t want to.

Crossfaded highs occur when a person has indulged in both cannabis and alcohol and you find yourself both drunk AND high simultaneously.  While many have enjoyed the effects of either, mixing the two is likely to cause you to feel dizzy, nauseous, and paranoid – all which can bring on the fear that accompanies a panic attack.

With these after-effects it makes one wonder why anyone would use both products, but for anyone who has been drunk, we know that being impaired doesn’t always lead to the best decisions.  After a round of raucous drinking, it’s not unusual to sound like a good idea at the time to attempt to take it to the next level.   Alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system, which can impact the ability to use motor skills successfully. Cannabis takes effect on the brain and some studies show that alcohol opens your blood vessels which could make THC be absorbed more quickly.


We can offer some tips to avoid it happening to you altogether – don’t drink and smoke at the same time.  Pick one or the other – if you choose to drink, avoid the smoke.  If you choose cannabis, don’t drink on top of it.  Common sense, right?  In either case – know your limits and don’t drive.

Be aware, it’s nearly impossible to unring the bell once you’ve gotten to the crossfaded high.  While some say that drinking water helps, it can aid in preventing dehydration, but it won’t get rid of the effects.  If your nausea allows, try to eat something and drink water but most importantly try to find a place where you can be undisturbed and strive to sleep it off.