Building the perfect smoker’s toolkit

Building the perfect smoker’s toolkit


If you’ve made the decision to consume medical cannabis via smoking, there are options EVERYWHERE for the latest and greatest products.  However, it doesn’t have to be complicated.  In order to build your own smoker’s toolkit you need a few essentials – we won’t dissuade you from experimenting with new and different accoutrement – but let us guide you to the basics.  Some items are only necessary for those to enjoy a joint, but others are must-haves for everyone.  We’ll use the * for those.

  1. *Storage – you need a stash jar.  Your vessel of choice should be able to be tightly sealed, and is best if it’s not clear glass, as UV rays can degrade your herb.  Keep in mind if you have children in the house, you should consider storing out of their reach or using a childproof storage container.
  2. *Lighter –  yet again – options abound.  Think about what kind of pipe/bong/joint/device you’ll use to smoke – if you’re using a dry vape that isn’t battery operated, you might opt for a torch, or even if you use a pipe and you’re not skilled with a BIC, longer lighters might be your thing.
  3. Rolling papers – if you aren’t a device kind of person and prefer to roll one up instead – you need rolling papers.  While you can buy flavors, different materials, cones (see what we mean by options?) or hemp papers – it’s personal choice on this one.
  4. *Grinder – you’ll need a good grinder and there are many available – we recommend metal, and spend the extra few bucks to ensure the one you choose has a kief collector in the bottom, you spend your hard earned money on your medicine – make sure none of it goes to waste.
  5. Scissors – not a requirement for everyone, but for those who prefer to roll their own, using a small pair to snip the end will get you off to a good start.
  6. Ashtray – not only a must for those who choose joints in order to ash in, but also make a great device to empty a pipe that needs to be refilled
  7. Rolling tray – this is a must for the joint crowd – it provides a flat surface on which to create your masterpiece and also holds other necessities
  8. Joint holder – again, for joint smokers, these can come in many forms, a pair of hemostats, or an official “joint holder.”  We suspect some purists will scoff at this one, insisting they don’t need a holder – to each his or her own.
  9. Stash box –  this is sort of the catch all for everything you see above – again, if you have kids or pets in the house, be sure you’re mindful about where you keep your kit.

Is there anything you think we missed?  What are you must haves in your tool kit?