Feel State continues their quest for patients

Those who use social media and follow Missouri brands are no strangers to the team at Feel State.  A company founded on “people first” – we’ve profiled them in the past and their focus hasn’t changed since pre-licensure.  Co-founder David Melnick portrays passion in their goals – education for patients, help for the industry, and working together to successfully implement a Missouri Medical Marijuana program.

Back in 2019, the team applied for dispensary licenses with a goal of opening 5 stores, located in different geographies around the state.  However, like some other operators we’ve spoken to, being denied licenses isn’t going to bring their mission to a halt.

Feel State’s approach has remained unchanged – produce informational content and share with the public.

Said Melnick, “We want to provide essential information about the science behind cannabis.  Help build awareness about how cannabis can help people.  It’s our mission to support patients in Missouri –  they are the ones who make this program successful.” 

With experience in other states in the cannabis industry, Feel State recognizes the need for education for patients and recognizes the plethora of content that is flooding social media and the internet and they’re fiercely devoted to ensuring they put together and publish content that is factual and accurate.  With one of the darlings of the cannabis education movement, powerhouse Emma Chasen, of Eminent Consulting creates and consults with the team and their synergy is tangible.

The social media presence they’ve gained via Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are indicators that their mission is succeeding.  Recent posts with a dispensary guide and cannabis use disorders are just some of the valuable content they’re willing to share with the world at large.


The Feel State team has made a commitment to the industry here in Missouri to help educate and inform patients, but also brings experience from other markets and embraces the idea of operators working together to make a safe and compliant industry.  Melnick is both transparent AND humble in wanting to take their content and message to the masses regardless of Feel State’s own dispensary brand hopes, and is one of the most genuine collaborators we’ve both talked about and talked with.  

Operationally, this team packs a punch, co-founder Corey Rimmel brings with him experience in a business delivery model, which can be complicated in the best of times. If the pandemic has taught us nothing else, it’s that during the worst of times, this particular model is one that someone with experience implementing can really add value to our industry before go-live occurs.  Those who know the Feel State team are open and giving of their expertise, and the sincerity with which they want to make the industry successful is clear.

During a time when there are scores of denied applicants, Feel State isn’t focused on talking about appeals or politics – they’re in it for the long game, and their devotion to the greater cause is refreshing. 

Melnick said, “50k patients is great, but it’s just the start.  It’s a good start, but we have to raise awareness and keep engaging patients. This is a brand new industry for Missouri, it takes time to fully implement.  There will be challenges in our future, but that’s in any industry.  Honest and transparent business and communications are the keys to survival and working together is the way to get there.  We all have to work together and focus on moving in the same direction. Otherwise, it’s going to make it harder.”