Amid appeals, AHC adopts judicial response to COVID19


The Missouri Supreme Court has issued an order suspending all in-person proceedings in all Missouri circuit and appellate courts, with limited exceptions through April 3, 2020, including the Administrative Hearing Commission.

The AHC is the body responsible for hearing the over 850 facility license appeals. These appeals tripled the Commission’s caseload and are expected to all be sorted through within the next 18 months.

The order states that the only exceptions to this current order are “emergency suspensions, stay orders, and individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) cases.” The agency states that those cases will be conducted as needed via telephone.

There are no changes to filing deadlines, as the electronic and fax methods are still available and not impacted by the order.


Motions, pleading, and other requests to the AHC during the date span of the order will be processed and ruled upon as circumstances allow. Those cases that were scheduled for videoconference are continued, the AHC stating the reason for this as “[t]hey require the parties and witnesses to appear alongside the Commission’s employees at videoconference locations.”

Cases continued are said to be reset at a later date and under separate order.

While we continue to stay updated on impacts to our communities, media from state and local authorities are delivering consistent and similar messaging emphasizing the importance of decreasing exposure and observing social distancing and practicing preventative measures with hand-washing, avoiding contact, and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.

Read the full letter from AHC Presiding Commissioner Audrey Hanson McIntosh below.

Order from AHC RE COVID-19 Virus Procedures