Greenway Magazine is going on a road trip!

Greenway Magazine is going on a road trip!

We thought this would be the perfect time to introduce you to our Culture Editor, Kaycee Barry. Kaycee is packing up her car, driving to Vancouver, B.C, and stopping at several national parks and states with legal recreational cannabis along the way.

This is nothing new to her. Kaycee and her partner, Travis, (featured image) love to travel and do it as often as they can. It is one of her many passions in addition to sustainability, communication, and cannabis.

“I fell in love from the moment I tried it,” she says, “It has changed my life on every level – mentally, physically, and emotionally.” She has spent years advocating to friends and family (quietly), and can now do it out loud, to everyone! How exciting! 

Kaycee received her Bachelors of Science in Communication from Missouri State University in May 2017. Over the past couple of years, she has worked in the service industry, worked as an independent social media marketer, and was a Legislative Assistant for Missouri’s House of Representatives in 2018. She now resides in Springfield. She is a big fan of the 417 lands and the beauty of the Ozarks. 

She is a self-proclaimed: foodie, canna-connoisseur, and lover of the arts. She is an amateur photographer, videographer, and loves being creative as much as possible. 

She runs a travel blog, Barry Nomadic, where she documents the trips that she and her husband take. Last summer they backpacked across Europe for 50 days via foot and train. The summer before that, it was a 10,000-mile road trip along the west coast. Frequently she gets to combine her passions by taking advantage of the legal marijuana scene in the places that she visits. She loves to partake in “cannabis tourism”, per se. Now that she is on board with Greenway Magazine, she can experience and educate herself on the cannabis culture – not only for herself but for the readers as well.


Below is a map of the trip she and Travis are taking. The trip is 15 days. She will be consuming legal cannabis in Colorado, Washington, and Canada. She hopes to talk to people in the industry, and take a couple of tours as well. We are wondering if there’s anything our Greenway readers would like to see along the way! Interviews with a budtender? Behind the scenes at a grow op? Send input to

Follow Kaycee on her journey through Instagram or Facebook @barrynomadic.