First round of patient care card renewals approaches – here’s what to expect


The one-year mark of being a medical patient in Missouri is coming for a lot of patients. The Department addressed important questions pertaining to the renewal process and beyond.

Per the law, those registered as medical patients in the state must renew their patient cards every year. This includes receiving an additional doctor’s certification and paying the necessary fees associated with doing so. The cost of a doctor’s certification varies depending on the doctor you see, but the fee with the state is $25. It costs an additional $100 to cultivate your own medicine – this must be renewed annually, as well. 

“A new physician certification form and updated proof of Missouri residency will be required for renewal of a patient license,” the Department said. “A new patient authorization form will be required for the renewal of a caregiver license. Approval steps are the same as in the initial application process with the exception of reviewing government id and photo, which will be carried over from the initial application submission. Application fees for patient and caregiver renewals are $25 per application. There is an additional $100 cultivation application fee if cultivation is added to the application.”

Current patients will be sent notices by the Department at 60, 45, 30, and 15 days prior to the license expiration date. The notices will be sent to the email address already on file.


The window for submitting a patient or caregiver renewal is 60 days prior to and no less than 30 days before the expiration date.

“The system will not prohibit the submission of renewal after the 30-day window, however, the department has 30 days from submission to process an application, therefore, we cannot guarantee a renewal that is received in this time frame will be processed prior to expiration.”

There will be no refunds or extensions for license expiration dates due to it being a Constitutional requirement that the Department does not have the authority to override.