Who HASN’T smoked with Willie?


Cannabis is sexy. Or so it seems, as more states move towards legalization and celebrities lend their names to strains, companies, and organizations. True to form in other industries, the players change based on the popularity of the product, personal experience with a product, and sometimes plain-old endorsement deals. In this sense, cannabis is the new COOL, the new THING to be affiliated with.

One of the things that makes cannabis so interesting to the public is the decades-long stigma and the fact that despite the plethora of states who have deemed it legal, according to the United States government, it’s still illegal at a federal level. It’s also got the “outlaw” element that means while select celebrities will endorse it publicly, and launch businesses in the industry, for some of the big names gaining additional notoriety, it’s a part of their lifestyle that now allows them to lend their names to specific products and join in the profit to be had with branding.

Recently, Greenway shared our take on the Athletes in Cannabis panel from this year’s MOCANNBIZCON event and showcased some big names from sports who are involved in cannabis. Each of the panelists shared personal stories about their own experiences with the plant and their respective belief about the medicinal benefits from their individual use. Athletes are certainly a large part of the growing “famous-people using pot.”

Each of us has our own images that spring to mind when it comes to celebrities who condone pot – for me, it will ALWAYS be that of Willie Nelson or Cheech & Chong (disclaimer, yes, I’m aware the C & C reference shows my age – and I’m ok with that). For the younger of us, perhaps Snoop Doggy Dog (Editor’s note: the publisher of this outlet believes this is a more accurate display of the author’s age) or other hip hop mega-stars are more relevant. Regardless, from musicians to moguls, weed is a HOT property in celebrity circles. But how many celebrities are jumping on the bandwagon as a result of their own use of cannabis as a medicine, which are long-time proponents of cannabis use regardless of reasons, and who, dare we say wants to make money in a hot industry? (In the interest of full disclosure, there are MANY more celebrities in cannabis, and this piece is only a small snapshot of a few.)

Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg pose next to one another with a plate of brownies to promote their new show, Potluck.Photo Courtesy of “Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party”
PHOTO/Courtesy of “Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party”

Forgive my cynicism, but I am hard-pressed to believe that Martha Stewart spends her time imbibing in cannabis when the cameras are off, nor do I believe that she and Snoop spend time texting each other about new strains. Don’t misunderstand, their joint (pun intended) presence on camera cooking with cannabis is certainly entertaining, and just the sort of thing that can help extend the culture of edibles and infused cooking to a new audience. Nor do I have any intention of purchasing Happy Tea, a CBD-infused drink that initiated Kylie Jenner’s foray into cannabis.

Snoop, on the other hand, is a long-time cannabis user, even before it was cool, so it comes as no surprise that he’s one of the largest names in cannabis, including co-ownership of Casa Verde Capital, a venture fund specializing in the ‘ancillary’ side of the marijuana business. He’s not the only hip hop giant pursuing the profitable side of the plant. Jay-Z joined the c-suite of cannabis company Caliva in 2019 named him chief brand strategist. A former crack cocaine seller himself, with a rags-to-riches story of rising above your past makes him not only credible but is yet another brand that he has every intention of touching with his golden wand.


But back to the classics – Willie and Cheech and Chong. Three people who long before my time have been public advocates for cannabis are finding new ways to market products that they most certainly use themselves and have been a part of the evolution from forbidden to favored for more than 40 years.

Despite what can best be described as a bitter breakup, both Cheech Marin AND Tommy Chong have reinvented their previous notoriety as the ultimate potheads and both run successful marijuana businesses – for Marin – in addition to product lines that include glassware, he has his own line of flower, known as Cheech’s Private Stash; while Chong’s own flower is Chong’s Choice. While Cheech makes no statements about cannabis as medicine, Chong has opted for a full-fledged cannabis empire – known as Tommy Chong’s Cannabis and offers CBD-rich varieties, as well as products specifically marketed as medicinal.

Some will say, myself among them, that I saved the best for last. Willie Nelson might be the greatest thing to ever happen to marijuana. Can you show me anyone else who is pushing 90 and swears that part of his longevity is a testament to the medicinal value of cannabis? For over 50 years, he’s not only been arrested multiple times for consuming in or on his own property, but he’s definitely never strayed from his hearty endorsement of the plant or changed his use, despite it being deemed unlawful at any point in time. Will he profit from it? Sure, Willie’s Reserve is a hugely popular cannabis producer. But I have to ask – what better way to support the farming community for which he’s also well known for being a rabid advocate for through his Farm Aid endeavors?

As mentioned, I could easily wax poetic for days about all of the celebrities who are marijuana advocates, but these were top of mind for me and after working with some Missouri operators on products and brands that they are considering for our medicinal market, some of these might be contenders.

What do you think about celebrity brands? Would you be willing to carry/manufacture a celebrity-affiliated product in the Show-Me state? As a consumer, would you patronize and support celebrity strains?