Metrc awarded seed-to-sale contract, BioTrack protests

Metrc awarded seed-to-sale contract, BioTrack protests

In a three way competition for the state of Missouri’s seed-to-sale tracking software contract for medical marijuana, Department of Health and Senior Services Medical Marijuana Division Director Lyndall Fraker announced Metrc won.

Metrc, acclaimed as the first regulatory program for cannabis tracking, was first used in December 2013 by the State of Colorado for their medical marijuana program. Their system has registered over 20,000 users, tracked over 5 million plants, and close to 4 million packages.

John Hudak of the Brookings Institute reported the implementation of Metrc in Colorado was a success, saying, “In many ways, the system is the backbone of Colorado’s regulatory structure governing legalized marijuana.”


However, Bio-Tech Medical Software, Inc., known as BioTrack, protests the bid, contending Metrc’s offerings do not meet the requirements of the contract, and is thus void. Their specific grievances include variable costs, the constitutionality of RFID tag fees, and more.

Contracts are awarded by the Office of Administration.