Women to Watch: Lila Waier

Women to Watch: Lila Waier


Lila Waier grew up in Santa Cruz, California, in a household shaped by the experiences of her veteran parents. Her father, a Vietnam War veteran, served over ten years in the U.S. Army and faced significant challenges with PTSD after returning to civilian life. To cope, he cultivated cannabis as a form of medicine, finding solace not only in the consumption of the plant but also in the therapeutic process of gardening. From an early age, Lila observed the impact that cannabis and plant cultivation could have on health and well-being.

At the age of 18, Lila moved to Northern California’s Emerald Triangle to start and manage a medical cannabis grow operation under Proposition 215. Ultimately, this period marked a pivotal moment in cannabis history, laying the groundwork for modern cannabis culture. It was during these important years that Lila witnessed the exposure of industry experts, the refinement of growing techniques and genetics, and the birth of a ton of small businesses.

Early legalization in California had it’s inconsistent ordinances across municipalities, leading to corruption and misinterpretation of laws. Lila faced law enforcement tactics, including helicopter raids, extortion-style traffic stops, and the threat of arrest. These experiences hightened her a sense of resilience and a commitment to entrepreneurship, as well as a desire to create opportunities for those who risked their freedom to normalize cannabis and suffered legal repercussions as a result.

Today, Lila is a co-founder of two enterprises that pair her dedication to the cannabis and gardening communities. Lila operates The Garden Shop, a traditional garden center in South City, St. Louis. The shop offers a diverse array of products, including trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs, and gardening supplies. Lila is expanding the retail space to feature a comprehensive selection of specialized indoor grow supplies, services for genetic, soil, and potency testing. The Garden Shop also hosts several educational events.

As an owner-operator, Lila collaborates with a passionate team, managing inventory, plant care, pricing, and customer education. Her commitment to local business and cannabis is reflected in their philosophy: hard, honest work can significantly enhance lives.

Recently Lila added Co-President of JAINE to her roster of amazing things in her career elevating her spot in the Missouri cannabis market even further and we got to chat with her a little about that. If you don’t know, JAINE connects women in cannabis in Missouri’s market and is focused on supporting, honoring, and educating women in an emerging industry by building alliances to foster a united voice through mentorship, empowerment, and networking.

Tell us about becoming the AID Committee Chair and now Co-President of JAINE.
After meeting, and instantly connecting with Tammy P at an industry event in 2021, I joined We Are JAINE as a member and began volunteering on the advocacy, inclusion and diversity (AID) committee. In 2022, I was recommended as the committee chair and elected to the board of directors. Two years later, the time has come for Tammy P and Sarah Glasser’s term as co-presidents to come to its natural end, and I have been voted in to fill one of the positions alongside Kassie Ferrero. Kassie and I complement each other well as co-presidents. We have different backgrounds and roles in the industry, and reside on opposite sides of Missouri, but we are aligned in go-getter attitudes and a passion for increasing participation and elevating women in the cannabis industry.

What cool things will you be doing for JAINE?

There is so much energy around our initiatives and events right now! We will continue to host events designed for professional networking, education and just having fun such as JAINE in Bloom, Brunchies, expert-led webinars on various relevant topics and we are now in the midst of our second year of nominations for the JAINE AID Awards which highlights companies in Missouri cannabis that are leading the way in diversity and inclusion. We will also be launching a new membership program very soon! In the coming year, we are making a huge effort to not only increase membership but to get to know, and highlight our members. When we know, and become familiar with one another, we find opportunities to do business. In a professional networking organization, that is a primary goal.


Why would someone want to join JAINE?

Individuals and companies looking to support, and connect with professional women in the cannabis industry will find that in We Are JAINE. When focused and dedicated people come together and get engaged, we find that we have the ideas, support and resources needed to further both personal and collective goals.

Lila emphasizes the importance of open and honest communication with customers regarding cannabis and cannabis cultivation. Her upbringing pushed her toward advocating for the normalization of the plant and supporting those who incorporate it into their lives. As the industry continues to evolve, she feels a strong obligation to remain engaged in the conversation around legalization.

Navigating a male-dominated field, Lila has dealt with challenges many women in business face. Having ideas and contributions be overlooked and underestimated.. She has thick skin and learned to focus on her larger goals, aligning with those who appreciate her perspective and expertise. Lila Waier’s journey is one of resilience, passion, and a commitment.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about small business in general, and a diverse and inclusive cannabis industry. It’s important that we provide, and protect opportunities within the legal market for small, local cannabis business to legitimize and profit. That is the most effective way to increase participation from people of color, women and other marginalized groups.

What advice or encouragement would you give to other women in the cannabis industry?
Seek out and connect with other women in the industry. Nurture, and keep those relationships strong. Bring up their names in the conversations, and rooms where they should be mentioned, highlight and support their achievements, promote them. I serve on the board of We Are JAINE which provides a unique space for women, and those who support women in cannabis to come together, learn about one another, support and do business together. Join us!

What do you consider your greatest professional accomplishment?
Reaching the point where I was earning as much working for myself as I did working in corporate Human Resources. Huge moment!