George Jage and team are bringing MJ Unpacked to Missouri

George Jage and team are bringing MJ Unpacked to Missouri


MJ Unpacked, has become one of the most recognized and important events in the cannabis industry.

The event, tailored for operators, brands, and investors, is heading to Missouri for the first time this November.

Recently, George Jage, the Co-Founder and CEO of Jage Media, Inc.,  spoke with Greenway to delve into the history and highlights of MJ Unpacked, the event’s unique approach, and the state of the cannabis industry as a whole. Jage shares candid insights on what sets MJ Unpacked apart from other events and why Missouri’s market dynamics make it the perfect next stop.

Jage began the conversation by explaining how MJ Unpacked was conceived during an unusual and challenging time. “When we started MJ Unpacked, we literally launched the company at the onset of the pandemic,” Jage recalls. “The timing was, if anything, unusual—if not outright terrible. But we persevered because we saw a need that wasn’t being filled by the other events in the cannabis space.”

“We felt that most of what was out there from a trade standpoint were either association events that were just littered with ancillary people that were trying to sell you at the meeting, or big national events that did zero to qualify attendees,” Jage explains. “When we started MJ Unpacked, we looked at what sucks about all the other events. We looked at the pain points. But we also said in our original business plan, one of our first three things was no assholes. So we do have a checkbox for assholes in our database. And if people prove themselves to be unsavory characters, whether it’s through harassment, fraudulent activity, or whatever, they’re not ever going to come on our show floor. I feel that we have an obligation to protect the market from bad actors.”

That attitude and approach is a significant part of what has made MJ Unpacked so unique. The team works diligently to qualify its attendees to ensure they are engaged, capable, decision-makers and experts in their respective fields. Jage points out that most events are overrun by those simply looking to break into the industry, which doesn’t add value for existing operators. “We didn’t want MJ Unpacked to become a venue where people who think they’re going to be the next marijuana millionaire come to wander around,” he says. Instead, MJ Unpacked is built to foster serious conversations that lead to real business opportunities, making it a must-attend for those already embedded in the cannabis ecosystem.

George Jage

Why Missouri?

Jage and his team spent considerable time analyzing the market and determining where MJ Unpacked would have the most impact before deciding to bring the brand to the Show-Me State.

“We go through a pretty extensive process of determining what markets are best for us,” Jage reveals. Missouri emerged as an ideal choice for a few key reasons, not the least of which is the state’s rapid rise in the cannabis rankings. “Missouri has jumped into the number five spot as far as national cannabis markets go,” Jage says, emphasizing the state’s impressive growth.

“This is a really healthy, robust market for a reason,” Jage continues. “We think that bringing the entire national cannabis market to see what’s happening in Missouri—what’s going right, what type of innovation is happening in this market—really helps growth for both sides of the fence.” By bringing MJ Unpacked to Missouri, Jage aims to highlight the state’s thriving cannabis ecosystem and provide operators with the opportunity to showcase their businesses to a national audience.

What makes Missouri’s cannabis market unique, according to Jage, is the collaborative spirit among operators. “I think maybe it’s a Midwestern thing,” he says, “but there’s a tremendous amount of camaraderie here. Even though it’s a competitive market, people recognize that they can only go so far by fighting against each other.”

This balance between competition and collaboration is something that Jage finds particularly compelling. “If we start fighting amongst each other or trying to race to the bottom on pricing, that’s not going to fly,” he states firmly. Instead, he says operators in Missouri have fostered an environment where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

While Missouri’s cannabis market is booming, Jage also acknowledges the challenges that come with navigating an industry that is still fragmented by state laws and regulations. “Until we see some type of interstate commerce or federal legalization, this industry is going to remain incredibly complex,” he explains. “Each state has its own rules, its own regulatory bodies, and its own market dynamics, which makes it difficult for operators to scale effectively.”

This state-level fragmentation was one of the driving forces behind MJ Unpacked’s original business model. The event was designed to bring together key stakeholders within individual markets, allowing operators to connect with investors and partners who understand the unique challenges of their specific region. “Our original plan was to create a series of state-focused events that really catered to the needs of local operators,” Jage says. “We knew that the big national events weren’t meeting those needs, and we wanted to create something that would.”

Jage also contrasts MJ Unpacked with some of the larger, more generalized cannabis events that have become popular over the years. “I don’t need to go see 152 packaging companies to figure out where I’m going to get my packaging from,” Jage says pointedly, referencing the sprawling vendor halls of other events. “The reason these events have lost control of their audience is because they do not add value to somebody walking that show floor.”

At MJ Unpacked, the focus is on creating an environment where every attendee is a decision-maker, and every conversation has the potential to lead to a business deal. “We target licensed operators with the title of manager or higher, and real brands and investors because we want people who are going to be able to make decisions,” Jage explains. “We still feel pretty good that we’re making sure that people coming into the room can actually have that impact. It’s always about intent and potential.” This focus on high-level attendees is one of the reasons why MJ Unpacked has been so successful in creating real business opportunities for its participants.


“We’re not trying to be the biggest or the oldest or the premier,” Jage says. “We want to be the most valuable.” 

MJ Unpacked

Fostering innovation and scientific collaboration

One of the most exciting aspects of MJ Unpacked is the event’s focus on fostering innovation within the cannabis industry, particularly when it comes to scientific research. “There is a massive amount of minor cannabinoids in the plant that we don’t even know about,” Jage says, highlighting the untapped potential of cannabis research. “We don’t know how they interact with the human body, and we don’t know how they interact with each other.”

Jage believes that the future of the cannabis industry will be heavily influenced by advances in scientific research, particularly if cannabis is rescheduled at the federal level. “If we move to Schedule 3, it could open up a massive amount of cannabis research here in the United States,” Jage explains. “Once the scientists do their work, they need to be able to translate that into commercial application.”

This is where MJ Unpacked comes in. By bringing together scientists, cultivators, and brands, the event creates a space where research and commerce can intersect in meaningful ways. “We’ve been able to bring in some amazing scientists to our events,” Jage says, pointing to figures like Codi Peterson and Jeremy Klettke as examples of thought leaders who are pushing the boundaries of cannabis research. “They’ve helped us advance the conversation and make the science part of the commercial opportunity.”

At its core, MJ Unpacked isn’t just about creating opportunities for big businesses—it’s about making a lasting impact on the industry as a whole.

As MJ Unpacked prepares for its debut in Missouri, the excitement within the state’s cannabis community is palpable. With Missouri rapidly climbing the ranks as one of the top cannabis markets in the country, the timing couldn’t be better for an event like MJ Unpacked to showcase the state’s potential on a national stage.

Jage is confident that MJ Unpacked will provide tremendous value to Missouri’s cannabis operators, helping them connect with investors, brands, and partners that can help them take their businesses to the next level. “We’re building this for the future of the industry,” Jage says. “We need to meet the market in the moment, and right now, Missouri is the place to be.”

By focusing on delivering value, fostering collaboration, and supporting innovation, MJ Unpacked has become the most important trade event in cannabis and the first trip to Missouri is poised to make a lasting impact on the state’s cannabis market—and the industry as a whole.

MJ Unpacked in Missouri

As MJ Unpacked gears up for its debut in Missouri, the event promises a robust and engaging schedule tailored to cannabis operators, investors, and brands. Running from November 4th to November 7th, the agenda is packed with sessions focused on the key trends, challenges, and innovations shaping the cannabis industry today. You can explore the full schedule here.

The event kicks off on Monday, November 4th, with registration opening at 5:00 PM, followed by a Welcome Mixer from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, providing early attendees with a chance to network in a relaxed setting.

On Tuesday, November 5th, the action starts early, with registration open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and an M&A Networking Breakfast from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM. The day will feature a wide range of educational sessions, including A Deeper Look Inside the Chemistry of Today’s Cannabinoids, Exploring a Successful Coexistence Between the Cannabis and Hemp Industries, and Growth Trends and Drivers: Navigating the U.S. Cannabis Market. Attendees can also look forward to more focused discussions like Preserving Landrace & Heirloom Genetics and Regulatory Update and Prognosis. The day concludes with an Opening Night Reception from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, offering a prime opportunity for networking.

Wednesday, November 6th, offers another full day of programming, starting with an Investor Networking Breakfast at 8:30 AM. Key sessions include Building Your Transition Team, Craft vs. Large Scale Production in an Evolving Market, and Retail Strategies for Escaping the Discount Loop. A Brand-Only Mixer from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM will provide a unique space for brands to connect and discuss partnership opportunities.

The event wraps up on Thursday, November 7th, with the Experience Hall open from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and a final Bon Voyage Mixer from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, bringing the event to a celebratory close.