Adult use sales hit new high in August

Adult use sales hit new high in August


Missouri’s marijuana sales reached $126.15 million in August 2024, an increase of 2.07% over July’s sales of $123.59 million.

This growth added an additional $2.56 million in revenue at Missouri retail, bringing the state’s cumulative cannabis sales to more than $2.9 billion since the market’s inception.

Notably, August 2024 now stands as the second-highest single sales month in the program’s history.

Recreational sales hit a new high in August, with $111 million in adult-use purchases at retail, while medical marijuana sales contributed $15.15 million to the total.


When comparing August 2024 to the same month in 2023, total sales rose 5.67%, up from $119 million in August 2023. Recreational sales accounted for $97 million in 2023, while medical sales contributed $22 million. The increase in recreational sales helped drive the overall growth, while medical sales saw a significant decline from prior year.

Year-to-date figures show total sales of $960.89 million through August, with recreational sales totaling $839.02 million and medical sales contributing $121.87 million. This compares to the same period in 2023, when combined sales reached $871.5 million, with $231.8 million from medical and $639.7 million from recreational sales.

Sales through August 2024 show a notable shift in Missouri’s cannabis market. Recreational sales have surged by 31.16% in 2024. In contrast, medical sales have seen a significant decline, dropping 47.42% in 2024.

Overall, total combined sales have grown by 10.26% this year.