Puff or Pass: Moose Labs MouthPeace Review
COVID, ‘Rona, Pandemic, all of the above no matter the nomenclature have changed our lives in ways we’d never thought possible – and not all negatively.
We’re washing our hands more, we’re paying more attention to little things like covering faces when coughing or sneezing; generally, we’re paying more attention to our germs and sharing or not sharing them. But we’re also trying to make our consumption as clean as possible for ourselves.
For those who are cannabis consumers who mainly use flower, the idea of not “passing” brings to mind the breakdown of a tradition of sorts and we all know those in our circle who will scoff at not passing a preroll or a vape pen to a friend – COVID or not. Moose Labs has taken a new perspective on their familiar products and found a way to uphold the tradition of puff puff pass to a new and cleaner place.

The MouthPeace is a flagship product from Moose Labs with another version called the MouthPeace Mini. We were fortunate to receive samples of both to test and review, so let’s begin with the original. The MouthPeace Starter Kit is available online from Moose Labs for $9.99 and is an inexpensive entry point for this type of product. The starter kit contains the MouthPeace itself – available in 21 colors and three filters, as well as a lanyard – but more on the lanyard in a few minutes.
The MouthPeace resembles a horn shape and is soft and flexible with a wide opening where the filter is inserted and a small opening for placement in your piece of choice. What you should know about the filters is that they are made from biodegradable and recycled materials and have activated carbon in them. What does that mean exactly? They help to remove resins, contaminants, and tar – without blocking your air or creating issues with intake. The other thing to learn about filters is that they will gross you out when used. If you know cigarette smokers of a certain age, ask them about how people used to blow cigarette smoke through white fabric or tissue to show the alleged dangers of smoking.

These filters are replaceable and there’s no real rule of thumb on number of times used or frequency, you simply keep an eye on the filter and replace when dirty. During our tests, we found that daily smoking from a pipe at night to sleep the filters would last from a week to 10 days. So is there a difference in using a filter? We think so – the difference is subtle, but much like when you get your first see-through-canister vacuum, the ability to see what you’re NOT leaving behind is very effective in making the user believe it’s making their consumption safer. There IS a difference in taste, again, it’s subtle, but it is tangibly tastier when trying the same flower from the same batch in the same vessel with or without filter. The filters are available in a roll of 10 pieces each and retail for $7.99 per pack when purchased once, or for 20% off when you set up a subscription. There’s also a discounted version available if you buy filters in a 5-pack of 10 pieces each.
We saw similar results from the MouthPeace Mini, which also has a Starter Pack for the newbie. The starter pack includes 2 MouthPeace Minis, 6 Mini filters, and a carrying tube and retails for $9.99. There are 10 color combos available and the pieces are crafted from the same silicon as the original version, but the Mini has a second feature, which is that both ends are different sizes. One end is best for the standard cone/preroll and the other is best for a blunt or a vape pen. In terms of the length of filter life, using with a preroll, the mini filters lasted for about 5 prerolls, but when using a vape pen, we found we could use filters for up to about 10 days or longer. If you saw our GRAV Glass Joint review, we also tested the Mini on those and experienced about 10 days of use from one filter – or up to 5 glass joints. As with the original, we found that the taste difference is apparent – especially for prerolls which can be harsh to smoke and this definitely made a difference for our testers on those. Mini filters are available in packs of 10 for $6.99 with the same kind of discounts for repeat/subscription orders.

Earlier you’ll see we mentioned the lanyard that comes with the Original – so we want to be sure that we don’t omit the useability of those. Here’s the thing – if you’re going to a consumption lounge or a party where you know there will be consumption and passing, the lanyard lets you carry your MouthPeace easily and use it as often as you get passed to – but if nothing else, it’s a DEFINITE conversation starter because those who aren’t familiar with the MouthPeace product will always ask what it is.
Final thoughts on the MouthPeace – whether you choose to use them to protect yourself from the germs of others or you simply want to have a healthier toke, these are the real deal and provide a cleaner experience regardless of which consumption type you choose them for. Don’t forget that the original is great for concentrate users, and you’ll see a palpable difference in the color of the filters after use. We had an amazing experience in talking with Moose Labs and the shipping was prompt and well packed without too much packaging waste. If you’re looking for a healthier smoke, this is yet another tool in your kit that can enhance your use of fine products. We give this one a puff!
Have a product you’re dying to learn more about? Let us know! hello@mogreenway.com
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