Missouri sustains +$3M medical marijuana sales for consecutive weeks

Missouri medical marijuana sales dipped slightly from last week’s record high but climbed over $3 million for the second consecutive week.
This marks the tenth straight week of $+2 million sales. Sales have surpassed the $3 million mark for 3 of the last 5 weeks, and have averaged $3,113,311.00 during that time.
DHSS reported $47,921,063 in total sales for the program as of 5/21, $3,378,861.00 for the week.
The dip comes on the back of Missouri’s highest sales week ever, falling just -3.59% in weekly sales revenue after an increase of 25.84% in sales the prior week.
Illinois, a state with roughly double the population of Missouri, recorded $35,281,250.08 in medical marijuana sales in April while serving 69,257 unique patients. An average expense of roughly $509.43 per patient during the month.