Department clarifies patient care card renewals


With approved patient numbers climbing towards 50,000 (48,833 as of May 18) and renewal dates approaching, questions begin to arise.

COVID-19 causing a worldwide pandemic, many patients question the process of how renewals will be handled for some with expiration dates approaching, whether or not there were any other requirements for renewal other than the $25 fee, as well as how the license renewal approach will look like.

The department has been prompt in replying and being helpful during the back and forth inquiries with Dr. Lisa Roark (The Dispensary) and MoCannTrade.

The department will not be providing any refunds or extensions for license expiration dates.


Citing that the annual renewal requirement for patient licenses is a Constitutional requirement and the department doesn’t have that authorization. 

They went on to explain that current licenses will be sent notices 60, 45, 30, and 15 days prior to the license expiration date. These notices will be sent from the registry system to the email address the patient has on their application. The window for submitting a patient or even a caregiver renewal is 60 days prior to, and no less than 30 days before the expiration date. The system would not prohibit the submission of renewal after the 30 days, however, the department has 30 days from the submission to process an application, therefore, they cannot guarantee a renewal that is received in that time frame will be processed before it expires. 

As far as how the renewal process will look, it’s similar to renewing a driver’s license. DHSS responded by saying the system configuration sets expiration dates at one year from issued patient licenses/renewals based on annual renewal requirements in accordance with the laws and rules. They did say that they are able to adjust those dates and decided they have the authority and believe it is overall good public policy to do so. So just as with your driver’s license, you’ve got a renewal date, an expiration date, and a timeframe in which to renew it.