Advisory Committee on Experience in a Legal Cannabis Market makes short work of hearing

Advisory Committee on Experience in a Legal Cannabis Market makes short work of hearing

By Brandon Dunn

Tuesday morning, the Advisory Committee on Experience in a Legal Cannabis Market met to discuss three questions from the Facility License Application Questions Draft.

The committee, comprised of Bart Hawcroft, Hemp Extract Program Manager at Missouri Department of Agriculture and Tom Salow, Arizona Department of Health Services, met via conference call moderated by General Counsel Richard Moore to discuss questions 86-88.

Miren Klein & Tricia Blocher of the California Department of Public Health were listed as members of the committee, but did not attend.

Per public comment questions 87 and 88 were deleted and question 86 was amended to be inclusive of all three questions.


The new question reads as: Describe the experience, including the number of years, each principal officer or manager has in the legal cannabis market. Accepted as read. (Highly Important)

The original text for all three questions follows:

86 Explain the number of years and type of experience in a legal cannabis market each identified officer has.
87 Explain the number of years and type of experience in a legal cannabis market each identified manager has.
88 Does the ownership of the business have an ownership interest in a legal cannabis business in any other state?

Original text from draft

The committee unanimously approved the changes.

Advisory Committee on Experience in a Legal Cannabis Market