St. Joseph City Council defines medical marijuana

By Brandon Dunn

On Monday evening amid a packed house St. Joseph city council members approved two items regarding medical marijuana facilities  the development of a marijuana cultivation facility.

Item three on the council’s agenda changed the zoning of a potential cultivation facility, the Apple Market grocery store at 22nd and Frederick, from Zone C-1 to Zone M-1, which is a light manufacturing.

The facility had been the subject of much debate and scrutiny for several weeks. Some residents had vocally opposed the development at that location, most being opposed to the type of business.

But for many, tax revenues and job creation played a large part in supporting the zoning change.

John Spencer, the representing attorney for Western Alternative LLC, told the council, “On the top end, supervisors will have a salary in excess of $50,000 each. On the lower end, cultivators and harvesters, custodial will be more than $15-20 per hour.”


The council approved the ordinance 6-3.

Item five of the agenda amended sec. 31-010 to include multiple new definitions related to cannabis and marijuana. It also creates a new section 31-012 “Medical Marijuana Facilities” to provide land use regulation related to cultivation, dispensing, and testing of medical marijuana.  

Item five was approved by a 7-2 vote.
